Dermal Fillers - from £300

Dermal fillers are a very popular treatment for the face. They are injected into areas of the face to effectively reduce the appearance of unwanted fine lines and wrinkles as well as to contour and create volume to the face. Dermal fillers can be used to treat ageing concerns, resolve asymmetry or create other changes such as a more masculine jawline which is popular with male patients of all ages.

What conditions can dermal fillers help with?
Dermal fillers can help with a variety of skin conditions, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Loss of volume in the cheeks

  • Hollow temples

  • Hollowness under the eyes

  • Undefined jawline

  • Creases between eyebrows

  • Thin lips

  • Chin augmentation

  • Smokers lines

  • Fine lines under eyes

  • Earlobe reconstruction - £200 per lobe

Dermal fillers work by injecting a gel-like substance containing hyaluronic acid into the skin to redefine and to sculpt facial contours as well as to provide deep hydration and to replace volume we lose as we age. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance which is found within our bodies.

Dermal fillers are for anyone looking for a solution for volume loss, create more definition, treat asymmetry or contour their face.

Depending on the number of areas treated, the procedure can take anywhere from 20 minutes and one hour.

Dermal fillers are in the most part relatively painless, particularly with Teoxane products as they include lidocaine (an anaesthetic with a numbing effect which is used to block pain). For more sensitive areas such as the lips additional pain relief measures can be taken.

Dermal filler treatment can be completed in one sitting. However, for those seeking more of a transformational result it is recommended the treatment is completed over a number of sessions to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved.

Avoid wearing make-up/ fake tan to your appointment
 Avoid excessive sun exposure for four weeks prior to treatment
 Avoid using Retinol and active creams 48hrs prior to treatment
 Avoid abrasive treatments such as laser, waxing and chemical peels 2 weeks prior to treatment

Yes, dermal fillers are extremely safe when performed by a qualified and registered medical professional with strong knowledge of facial anatomy.

The recovery time post dermal filler varies for each patient and for the type of filler injected. The most common side effects include bruising, swelling and redness which will resolve after a few days to a week. You can usually resume most activities immediately after the procedure but it is recommended that you avoid intense physical activities for the first 48 hours to minimise swelling, bruising and the chance of the filler migrating.

The most common side effects of fillers are redness, swelling, bruising and infection. There can be significant complications if the injector does not have a good knowledge of facial anatomy. It is important that you only allow registered medical professionals to perform your filler treatment, ensuring they are appropriately qualified and trained in the procedure. Serious risks can include anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), granuloma formation, migration of the product, tissue necrosis (death of the skin) and blindness.

You will see an immediate change following treatments but will improve over the following weeks as the filler settles.

Usually you can return to your normal activities immediately after Dermal fillers, however the following is advised to minimise the risk of side effects: Avoid significant movement, massage, or compression of the treated area for a minimum of 48 hours
 Avoid sun exposure and excessive heat for one week
 Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours
 Avoid consuming alcohol for 24 hours
 Avoid blood thinning medication (Aspirin, ibuprofen) for 48 hours post treatment